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Kegelrollenlager 323, Hauptabmessungen nach DIN ISO 355 / DIN 720, zerlegbar, angestellt oder paarweise

Hauptabmessungen und Leistungsdaten
d | 90 mm | Bohrungsdurchmesser |
D | 190 mm | Außendurchmesser |
B | 64 mm | Breite des Innenringes |
C | 53 mm | Width, outer ring |
T | 67,5 mm | Breite des Lagers |
Cr | 435.000 N | Dynamische Tragzahl, radial |
C0r | 630.000 N | Statische Tragzahl, radial |
Cur | 79.000 N | Fatigue load limit, radial |
nG | 3.650 1/min | Grenzdrehzahl |
nϑr | 2.850 1/min | Thermal speed rating |
≈m | 9,29 kg | Gewicht |
da max | 106 mm | Maximum diameter of shaft shoulder |
db min | 117 mm | Minimum diameter of shaft shoulder |
Da min | 146 mm | Minimum diameter of housing shoulder |
Da max | 177 mm | Maximum diameter of housing shoulder |
Db min | 180 mm | Minimum diameter of housing shoulder |
Ca min | 10 mm | Minimum axial space |
Cb min | 14,5 mm | Minimum axial space |
ra max | 4 mm | Maximum fillet radius of shaft |
rb max | 3 mm | Maximum fillet radius of housing |
r1, 2 min | 4 mm | Minimum chamfer dimension of inner ring back face |
r3, 4 min | 3 mm | Minimum chamfer dimension of outer ring back face |
a | 55 mm | Distance between the apexes of the pressure cones |
d1 | 139,9 mm | Guidance rib diameter of inner ring |
Tmin | -30 °C | Operating temperature min. |
Tmax | 120 °C | Operating temperature max. |
e | 0,55 | Limiting value of Fa/Fr for the applicability of diff. Values of factors X and Y |
Y | 1,1 | Dynamic axial load factor |
Y0 | 0,6 | Static axial load factor |
Zusätzliche Informationen
T2GD090 | Comparative designation to ISO 10317 and ISO 355 |